ONE of the many ways for a church to leave a footprint in the
community is through local missions.
Romans 12:13 says “Share with the Lord’s people who are in need.”
Our church has a heart for service and is committed to following God’s
word and helping those less fortunate through several on-going
missions and some targeted missions.
Feed Berkeley
Feed Berkeley SC was formed by a consortium of churches within our
community during the pandemic with a mission to feed the hungry
both physically and spiritually. Each Saturday a church or group of
churches provides the hungry with a 50-pound shelf stable box of food
plus fresh produce, meats, and pastries, when available. Moncks
Corner United Methodist Church serves on the third Saturday of the
Donations can be made directly to our church and designated for Feed
Berkeley, or you can donate through the Feed Berkeley SC website
Feed Berkeley SC is in Trident United Way’s Berkeley Resource
Connection Center located at 500 South Live Oak Drive, Moncks Corner,
SC 29461. We would love for you to join us in fellowship and service to
the Lord!
Relay for Life
We had our first Relay for Life team in 2023. We are Team United!
We had so much fun and found it to be a great opportunity for
Christian fellowship so we decided to continue with this mission to
recognize those who have beaten cancer and remember those lost to
cancer but who battled so valiantly against this horrible disease while
raising funds to help with cancer research, advocacy, and patient
Donations can be made online or directly to our church and designated
to Relay for Life.
Other Missions
In addition, we have targeted missions throughout the year to meet the
various needs of our community.
We stuffed 100 book bags with school supplies and distributed them to
three Moncks Corner schools, stuffed 100 Blessing bags for the
homeless, provided meals to the Wesley Foundation at The Citadel,
made Christmas morning brighter for 52 children through our Angel
Tree, made 25 Thanksgiving boxes and distributed them to three
Moncks Corner schools, held a drive to collect underwear for the
homeless, and provide bags of food for the week-end for designated
children at Berkeley Elementary.
Our church truly has a heart for service and strives to follow God’s
command through Jesus in Galatians 5:14 For the entire law is fulfilled
in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

We are “Team UNITED.”
Everyone is invited to donate to our team online,
or by calling the church office at 843-761-8547.